VueRouter integration


vue-router received an upgrade as well to be compatible with Vue 3, and there are a small number of breaking changes.

The two most noteworthy ones are:

  1. How to create a router instance
  2. Usage of <router-link>, where some props changed/were removed

In this chapter, we will be covering the first point, while we have a dedicated chapter about <router-link> in Part 2

Then, in Vue 2

In Vue 2, creating a router instance usually looks something like this:

import Vue from 'vue'
import VueRouter from 'vue-router'


const router = new VueRouter({
  mode: 'history',
  base: '/',
  routes: [/* ... */],

const app = new Vue({
  // ..other options
  1. Register the plugin with Vue.use()
  2. call the VueRouterconstructor
  3. set the mode
  4. possibly set a base path
  5. pass the routesconfig.
  6. pass new router instance to the Vue constructor's options.
The `routes` config itself didn't change, so we can skip that. Also, the other options that the `VueRouter`constructor accepts are unchanged, and will be ignored here.

Now, in Vue 3

In Vue 3, the setup changed a bit:

import {createApp } from 'vue'
import { createRouter, createWebHistory } from 'vue-router'
const app = createApp({ /* ... */ })

const router = createRouter({
  history: createWebHistory('/')
  routes: [/* ... */],

  1. Create a router instance with createRouter
  2. create the history with createWebHistory() (or one of its siblings)
  3. base ise now the first argument of the history factory function.
  4. add the router instance to the app as a plugin via app.use()

Migrating the real app

Now, in a real app, the router config is often done in its own file, i.e. router.js, and then the router is exported and imported into main.js.

That's true for a default VueCLI setup and for our example app as well.

import Vue from 'vue'
import VueRouter from 'vue-router'
import Todos from '../views/Todos.vue'


const routes = [
  // omitted

const router = new VueRouter({
  mode: 'history',
  base: process.env.BASE_URL,

export default router
import Vue from 'vue'

import router from './router'

// omitted 

new Vue({
  render: h => h(App),

Applying our changes to that router.js file, it now looks like this:

import { createRouter, createWebHistory } from 'vue-router'
import Todos from '../views/Todos.vue'

const routes = [
  /* */

const router = createRouter({
  history: createWebHistory(process.env.BASE_URL),

export default router

And in main.js, we now import the router and register it:

import { createApp } from 'vue'

import router from './router'

// rest of the code omitted

const app = createApp(App)



VueRouter Migration Guide

There are of course other changes in VueRouter v4 that may be affecting your app. All of those are covered in the official Migration guide in the dos for v4.

A small excerpt:

router.onReady() is now router.isReady()
scroll behavior changed
Use of <keep-alive> and <transition>
<router-view> Slot content
removal of pathToRegExpOptions

Read the full VueRouter v4 Migration guide here

Further Reading