Router Views
Router views are by and large unaffected by any breaking changes, except for how to use <transition>
and <keep-alive>
with them:
In the Vue 2 app
our app's App.vue
contains a router link, which we wrapped in a <transition>
to get nice transition effects between components.
<transition name="fade" mode="out-in">
<router-view />
Migrating to Vue 3
In VueRouter 4 / Vue 3, we now need to put the transition inside of the router-view's slot and pass the actual component to be rendered to a dynamic component:
<router-view v-slot="{ Component }">
<transition name="fade" mode="out-in">
<component v-bind:is="Component" />
Your example app doesn't make use of keep-alive, but the fix for that is exactly the same as for the transition above, so I think you will make it work :)